What This Course Is

What You'll Learn

By the end of this course, you'll have a firm but flexible understanding of what the novel form is. More than just the working parts of a novel, you'll learn what it means to you, to your readers, and to your journey as a writer. We'll also set you up with a plan of action when it comes to getting the novel out of you and onto the page. Throughout this course, you'll be introduced to beginner and advanced concepts within the form of novel writing and telling a story well.

Don't worry if there's something that may go over your head the first time. There are pages upon pages of resources, guides, and exercises to help make sure the lessons stick and you learn what you came here for. The comment section is also a place for you to drop comments and communicate with me. Whether your book is a three-point plot structure with a small or large cast of characters or if you're writing in a more experimental or even less known structure, you'll find the tools, resources, and information you need.

Try and think of this as your own private writing retreat—or not! Join in the learning community by responding to comments and cheering other members on. Like with all self-guided study, you get out of this what you put into it. I'm here with you the whole way, so don't hesitate to reach out. Here's my personal email: [email protected].

Some of the Subjects We'll Cover

  • How to determine when your idea is just a fun idea or worth a full-length novel
  • Finding and figuring out what your style and practice of writing is
  • Different ways to write a novel
  • What elements go into building and structuring a novel and how to make them work for your story
  • Different types of plot and what plot is separate from the novel
  • Your book and what you want it to look like, why you're writing it
  • Coming up with a schedule and game plan for writing the novel
  • Finding the time to write
  • Different types of characters and the best uses for them
  • How to craft compelling and distinct dialogue
  • Publishing routes and determining the best one for your book
  • Idea generation exercises to help you come up with your next book
  • How to turn a short story into a novel
  • Writing habits that help you write your book and get into a steady practice of writing
  • Crafting setting as a character or simply as a setting
  • How to query a novel
  • Understanding subplots and weaving them into your main plot
  • How to manage your time for success

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